Henry V

27.91 €
«Генрих V» является самой известной и влиятельной исторической пьесой Шекспира, которая в последние десятилетия вновь стала темой жарких дискуссий. Патриотическая риторика произведения, превосходно отображенная в знаменитом фильме Лоуренса Оливье, подвергается сомнению. Новое прочтение пьесы отображает фильм Кеннета Брана. Относится ли автор к патриотизму с долей скептицизма? Не преподносилось ли достижение Генриха с иронией? Или же современные интерпретации испортили восприятие великой патриотической драмы? «Генрих V» доказывает блестящую способность Шекспира создавать сложные и неоднозначные произведения, одинаково близкие и чуждые, каждому поколению читателей, суровые, непреходящие и заставляющие задуматься.
«Генрих V» является первой книгой в серии Wordsworth Classics. Издание подготовлено с учетом последних литературоведческих исследований работ классика.
Книга на английском языке.
The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, with Henry V as its inaugral volume, presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The textual editing endeavours to take account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal.
Henry V is the most famous and influential of Shakespeare's history plays. Its powerful patriotic rhetoric has resounded down the ages, gaining eloquent expression in Laurence Olivier's renowned film. Henry himself, astute and charismatic, who led his 'band of brothers' to victory in the Battle of Agincourt, could indeed seem to be 'this star of England'. In recent decades the play has attracted increasing critical attention and is now highly controversial. Kenneth Branagh's film-production reflected the changing valuation. Does this play have a sceptical sub-text which subverts its patriotism? Is Henry's achievement beset by irony? Has current scepticism distorted a predominantly and proudly nationalistic drama? Henry V demonstrates Shakespeare's acclaimed ability to bring new complexity to the material that he adapted, so that different eras may find within his work the familiar and the strange, the congenial and the harsh, the sustaining and the challenging.
«Генрих V» является первой книгой в серии Wordsworth Classics. Издание подготовлено с учетом последних литературоведческих исследований работ классика.
Книга на английском языке.
The Wordsworth Classics' Shakespeare Series, with Henry V as its inaugral volume, presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare's works. The textual editing endeavours to take account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal.
Henry V is the most famous and influential of Shakespeare's history plays. Its powerful patriotic rhetoric has resounded down the ages, gaining eloquent expression in Laurence Olivier's renowned film. Henry himself, astute and charismatic, who led his 'band of brothers' to victory in the Battle of Agincourt, could indeed seem to be 'this star of England'. In recent decades the play has attracted increasing critical attention and is now highly controversial. Kenneth Branagh's film-production reflected the changing valuation. Does this play have a sceptical sub-text which subverts its patriotism? Is Henry's achievement beset by irony? Has current scepticism distorted a predominantly and proudly nationalistic drama? Henry V demonstrates Shakespeare's acclaimed ability to bring new complexity to the material that he adapted, so that different eras may find within his work the familiar and the strange, the congenial and the harsh, the sustaining and the challenging.
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